Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Fast fashion makes shopping more affordable and convenient, but it comes at an environmental cost.The fashion industry produces 10% of all humanity's carbon emissions and is the second-largest consumer of the world's water supply.

Sustainable businesses are resilient Businesses

Sharp and focus are our creeds. Rather than chasing trend, we always focus on how to provide small order customization services with excellent quality to avoid unnecessary waste.

We encourage our clients to produce and keep a small& nimble inventory to prevent excessive stock and dispensable waste.

Sustainable businesses are social-responsible Businesses

We are integrating more craftsmanship into production, while advocating positive social values and at the same time supporting local laborers and artists. In the selection of sewing fabrics, we tend to choose recycled materials to reduce unnecessary resource consumption. We will continue to look for business solutions that are more beneficial to our employees, the environment and our society.

We were born out of 10 yrs block order manufacture, and we are in the transition to provide flexible supply chain services.

Sustainable consumption and production are about doing more and better with less. We are doing our best to make all the services sustainable, both in material and production.

We are still in the early part of our journey at Knourish Tech, and there are many challenges to be solved that are not yet defined.Sustainable businesses are resilient businesses with great-quality product, small order customization, and continuous contribution to the local& global society. We'll leave you with this promise and thank you for evolving with us.

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